Making emotions a part of practice – retreat with Igor Berkhin

If one understands the real meaning and discovers the defect of thought,

The more thoughts arise, the more the calm state is present.

The stronger the emotions, the clearer the wisdom.

From Shijed tradition founded by Phadampa Sanggye.

In general, emotions are considered as problematic and are even named “poisons”, but in the method of Dzogchen, they are recognized as a display of the potentiality of the primordial state and therefore are called “wisdoms”. The approach of Dzogchen might look irrelevant even for practitioners from other Buddhist traditions, let alone mundane moral systems.

In this retreat, we’ll learn how to deal with emotions in the context of Dzogchen teaching applying various methods explained by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and corroborated by root texts and important commentaries. The methods applied will be:

  • internal rushen or the purification of six lokas,
  • secret rushen of mind,
  • instructions by Shabkar for recognizing the nature of emotions.

The most important thing is personal participation in a group practice, therefore, there will be no Zoom and no recording. Retreat language: English without translation.

Requirements: For new people there will be a possibility to receive the transmission of sound of the practice of the purification of six lokas from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu`s  recordings in presence of experienced practitioners in accordance with the advice by Yeshi Namkhai. The retreat is also appropriate for those who already attended retreats (in person and/or online) by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and/or Yeshi Namkhai in the past or are seriously intending to attend the retreat of Yeshi Namkhai in June 2024.
Program of the retreat
Schedule (Central European time UTC+1)
April 12Friday 18:00-20:00 Dzogchen approach to emotions and behavior.
April 13Saturday 10:00-13:00 Instructions by Shabkar from „The Flight of the Garuda“ and 16:00-18:00 Purification of the six lokas
April 14Sunday 10:00-13:00 Emotions and contemplation. Secret rushen of mind.

Igor Berkhin is a long term Dzogchen practitioner. Born in the USSR, he started his spiritual practice in the 80-s still behind the iron curtain. He studied with and translated for many teachers of different contemplative traditions, the most important of them being Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, a renowned Dzogchen master. He also translated Dzogchen teachings by such masters as brothers Khenchen Palden Sherab and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal, and also by a Bonpo teacher Nyima Dagpa Rinpoche.

Having met his root Teacher in 1996, in 2002 Igor was authorized by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu to teach the Base of Santi Maha Sangha, a study and practice program on Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen designed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. Since 2008, he’s been one of the three senior teachers of Santi Maha Sangha the other two being Jim Valby and late Elio Guarisco.

Contribution to the retreat is based on generosity, please contribute according to your means. The recommended amount is 70 EUR for the whole retreat. The registration only becomes effective after receipt of the course fee.
Bank transfer for payments in EURO:
IBAN: DE95 7016 6486 0002 4032 85
bank: VR Bank München Land eG
account holder: Internationale Dzogchen Gemeinschaft Yeshiling e.V.
Concept: SMS Igor
Yeshiling does not have a center that offers accommodation. We recommend the following accommodations nearby in Feldafing/Pöcking/Tutzing/Possenhofen (near Munich at Starnberger See):
Venue + Registration via email to
in Feldafing (near Munich at Starnberger See) in a private house. You will only receive the exact address of the event after registration. You must register before the afternoon of April 11th. The address will be sent on the night of the same 11thPlease note: We only have a limited number of places and will fill them on a first-come, first-served basis.